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why wear sunscreen?

why wear sunscreen?

July 08, 2016 2 min read

Oh the sun, it's such a great friend that we literally couldn't live without, but like any friend, we have to have boundaries! Cue sunscreen!
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the relationship between coffee and skincare—simplified

the relationship between coffee and skincare—simplified

September 11, 2015 3 min read

In order to understand the link between coffee and clear, healthy skin, you must first understand the greater connection between a person and coffee.
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worrying about your pimples Is giving you more pimples

worrying about your pimples Is giving you more pimples

August 12, 2015 2 min read

Pimples beget pimples. Little more evidence is necessary to cement pimples as the cruelest force known to the teen universe.
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advice for pimple pickers – don’t do it!

advice for pimple pickers – don’t do it!

July 15, 2015 3 min read

Pimples form because of harmful bacterial substances getting into your pores. Often times when people pick at them, they are further pushing the substances into their skin. 

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the science of tanning

the science of tanning

July 08, 2015 3 min read

It’s time to break the silence. Tans are bad for you. Yes, we know they’re sexy, but that doesn’t make them healthy. .

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are “harmless” henna’s hurting your skin?

are “harmless” henna’s hurting your skin?

June 29, 2015 2 min read

Pure Henna (that which has been made entirely from natural products and oils) is safe. Assuming that you have no allergies to the substance, it is safe to apply to your skin. 

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winter foods for clear healthy skin

winter foods for clear healthy skin

March 04, 2015 3 min read

Diet plays a huge role in helping keep our skin glowing, after all, we are what we eat! 
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4 ways to improve your skin

4 ways to improve your skin

January 05, 2015 2 min read

Want better skin? We’ve got your back. Clear, healthy, glowing skin will have your friends begging for your skincare tips and tricks.

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healthy, glowing skin in flight

healthy, glowing skin in flight

December 01, 2014 2 min read

Whether you’re looking forward to Christmas on the beach or you have to fly to see the in-laws around a Christmas ham, we know that heading to the airport can leave your skin a little less than perfect. 

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