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does acne cause depression? new studies confirm the link!

does acne cause depression? new studies confirm the link!

August 22, 2018 4 min read

While the link between acne and emotional trauma has long been documented, in recent years researchers have started to investigate the skin condition itself as a cause of depression.
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the relationship between coffee and skincare—simplified

the relationship between coffee and skincare—simplified

September 11, 2015 3 min read

In order to understand the link between coffee and clear, healthy skin, you must first understand the greater connection between a person and coffee.
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worrying about your pimples Is giving you more pimples

worrying about your pimples Is giving you more pimples

August 12, 2015 2 min read

Pimples beget pimples. Little more evidence is necessary to cement pimples as the cruelest force known to the teen universe.
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advice for pimple pickers – don’t do it!

advice for pimple pickers – don’t do it!

July 15, 2015 3 min read

Pimples form because of harmful bacterial substances getting into your pores. Often times when people pick at them, they are further pushing the substances into their skin. 

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4 ways to improve your skin

4 ways to improve your skin

January 05, 2015 2 min read

Want better skin? We’ve got your back. Clear, healthy, glowing skin will have your friends begging for your skincare tips and tricks.

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